=== BestWebSoft Like & Share === Contributors: bestwebsoft Donate link: https://bestwebsoft.com/donate/ Tags: facebook buttons, share, like, add share button, social buttons, facebook, facebook button icon, follow, follow button, like button, share button, facebook plugin Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: 2.64 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add Facebook Follow, Like, and Share buttons to WordPress posts, pages, and widgets. == Description == Facebook plugin is the best social media solution which adds Follow, Like, and Share buttons to your WordPress website posts, pages or widgets. This is a great way to receive positive feedback from your visitors, earn media exposure, and consumer validation for your brand. Customize the appearance, configure settings and enable other advanced options to get more social traffic to your website and keep your visitors involved! [View Demo](https://bestwebsoft.com/demo-for-facebook-buttons/?ref=readme) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGNQs-rF8b8 = Free Features = * Add buttons for Facebook such as: * Like * Share * Follow * Сhange Facebook App ID * Change color scheme for Share button * Select layout for Like and Share buttons: * Standard * Box count * Button count * Button * Select buttons * Position: * Before content * After content * Before and after * Custom position (using shortcode) * Align: * Right * Left * Center * Show/hide faces option * Disable Meta Tags * Compatible with [Multilanguage](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/multilanguage/?k=ce7cc6ad47715a97a579a6d9b59ed8b3) (current website language detection) * Choose Like button action - like or recommend * Use a standard Follow button image or replace it with custom one * Add custom code via plugin settings page * Compatible with latest WordPress version * Incredibly simple settings for fast setup without modifying code * Detailed step-by-step documentation and videos * Multilingual and RTL ready > **Pro Features** > > All features from Free version included plus: > > * Display buttons for Facebooks for certain pages and/or post types > * Display the widget with the most liked posts > * Сhange meta tags: > * Image > * Description > * Enable like option for: > * Entire website > * Single pages > * Buttons for Facebook preview > * Configure all subsites on the network > * Get answer to your support question within one business day ([Support Policy](https://bestwebsoft.com/support-policy/)) > > [Upgrade to Pro Now](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/facebook-like-button/?k=4caab51af6593e97ad1e329fe0f53072) If you have a feature suggestion or idea you'd like to see in the plugin, we'd love to hear about it! [Suggest a Feature](https://support.bestwebsoft.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) = Documentation & Videos = * [[Doc] How to Use](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gy5uDVoebmYRUvlKRwBmc97jdJFz7GvUCtXy3L7r_Yg/) * [[Doc] Installation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-hvn6WRvWnOqj5v5pLUk7Awyu87lq5B_dO-Tv-MC9JQ/) * [[Doc] Purchase](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EUdBVvnm7IHZ6y0DNyldZypUQKpB8UVPToSc_LdOYQI/) * [[Video] Installation Instruction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAKsQPz3RZc) = Help & Support = Visit our Help Center if you have any questions, our friendly Support Team is happy to help — = Translation = * Czech (cs_CZ) (thanks to [Michal Kučera](mailto:kucerami@gmail.com) www.n0lim.it) * Finnish (fi_FI) (thanks to [Juhani Honkanen](mailto:juhani.honkanen@dnainternet.net)) * French (fr_FR) (thanks to [Murat](mailto:wpthemefr@gmail.com)) * Indonesian (id_ID) (thanks to Nasrulhaq, www.al-badar.net) * Hungarian (hu_HU) (thanks to [Peter Aprily](mailto:solarside09@gmail.com) www.aprily.com) * Russian (ru_RU) * Spanish (es_ES) (thanks to [Africa Boleko](mailto:info@markekimika.es) www.markekimika.es) * Turkish (tr_TR) (thanks to [Can Atasever](mailto:webmaster@canatasever.com)) * Ukrainian (uk) Some of these translations are not complete. We are constantly adding new features which should be translated. If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send [the text of PO and MO files](https://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress) to [BestWebSoft](https://support.bestwebsoft.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) and we'll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO [files Poedit](https://www.poedit.net/download.php). = Recommended Plugins = * [Updater](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/updater/?k=5019f1216fc048f1419fe4645da69381) - Automatically check and update WordPress website core with all installed plugins and themes to the latest versions. * [Google +1](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/google-plus-one/?k=1f911e6a8a57be8dec36aa4c617773d2) - Add Google +1 Share, Follow, Hangout buttons and profile badge to WordPress posts, pages and widgets. * [LinkedIn](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/linkedin/?k=b51477f9bcefca82ad8a4a1901806171) - Add LinkedIn Share and Follow buttons to WordPress posts, pages and widgets. 5 plugins included – profile, insider, etc. * [Multilanguage](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/multilanguage/?k=ce7cc6ad47715a97a579a6d9b59ed8b3) - Translate WordPress website content to other languages manually. Create multilingual pages, posts, widgets, menus, etc. * [Pinterest](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/pinterest/?k=6c0ee1d224732f70f3099746cfc82c92) - Add Pinterest Follow, Pin It buttons and profile widgets (Pin, Board, Profile) to WordPress posts, pages, and widgets. * [Twitter](https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/twitter/?k=f1d29ef28baa75cc05d52def8ca1021d) - Add Twitter Follow, Tweet, Hashtag, and Mention buttons to WordPress posts, pages, and widgets. == Installation == 1. Upload the folder `facebook-button-plugin` to the directory `/wp-content/plugins/`. 2. Activate the plugin via the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress admin panel. 3. You can adjust the necessary settings in your WordPress admin panel - "BestWebSoft Like & Share". [View a Step-by-step Instruction on BestWebSoft Like & Share by BestWebSoft Installation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-hvn6WRvWnOqj5v5pLUk7Awyu87lq5B_dO-Tv-MC9JQ/) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAKsQPz3RZc == Frequently Asked Questions == = After the plugin installation and settings adjustment on the settings page, it is still not working = 1. You should click "Save Changes". Make sure that you got the message "Settings saved". 2. Refresh your web page where BestWebSoft Like & Share icon should be placed. = How to change BestWebSoft Like & Share icon ("Profile URL")? = 1. In WordPress admin panel, please go to BestWebSoft Like & Share settings page and choose one of the listed positions: Default Profile Button Image or Custom Profile Button Image. Then click "Save Changes". 2. If you choose Custom Profile Button Image, you can upload your own picture. You should click "Choose file" and choose an image in your folder. Then click "Save Changes". = How to set BestWebSoft Like & Share position on the page? = In WordPress admin panel, please go to BestWebSoft Like & Share settings page and choose one of the listed positions: Before content or After content. Then click "Save Changes". = After clicking BestWebSoft Like & Share icon, I see the Facebook Home page instead of the necessary account page = 1. In WordPress admin panel, please go to BestWebSoft Like & Share settings page and enter your Facebook ID or username. Then click "Save Changes". 2. If you do not have the Facebook account yet, you should create it here. After the account is created, please follow the instructions above. = When people like and/or leave comments to my post, will this be displayed on my Facebook page? = No, it will not. The case is: Like for a WordPress site is a Like of a certain URL, but not the page content, while on Facebook it's Like of the content, not the URL. I.e. these are two different things, and it is impossible to link them. For more data on the Like button, please check the developers' page (). = If I install a new version of the plugin, will I lose all the likes I got on the previous version (I mean will they switch to zero on my website?)? = You will not lose them because they are stored on the Facebook server. = I have some problems with the plugin's work. What Information should I provide to receive proper support? = Please make sure that the problem hasn't been discussed yet on our forum (). If no, please provide the following data along with your problem's description: - The link to the page where the problem occurs - The name of the plugin and its version. If you are using a pro version - your order number. - The version of your WordPress installation - Copy and paste into the message your system status report. Please read more here: [Instruction on System Status](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wi2X8RdRGXk9kMszQy1xItJrpN0ncXgioH935MaBKtc/) == Screenshots == 1. Displaying buttons for Facebook before your post. 2. Displaying buttons for Facebook in your post via the shortcode. 3. Plugin settings page. == Changelog == = V2.64 - 04.09.2019 = * Update : The deactivation feedback has been changed. Misleading buttons have been removed. = V2.63 - 08.08.2019 = * Update : Plugin renamed. = V2.62 - 28.03.2019 = * PRO: Ability to displayi the posts with the greatest number of Facebook likes has been added. * Update : All functionality was updated for WordPress 5.1.1. = V2.61 - 15.01.2019 = * NEW: Ability to disable Meta Tags has been added. * NEW: Ability to enable buttons for Facebook for archives has been added. = V2.60 - 26.11.2018 = * Bugfix: The compatibility with Custom Admin Page plugin has been fixed. * Bugfix: The compatibility with Graph API v3.2 has been fixed. = V2.59 - 30.05.2018 = * Bugfix: Bug with incorrect buttons for Facebook displaying has been fixed. * Bugfix: Bug with incorrect buttons for Facebook preview has been fixed. * Bugfix: Compatibility with Graph API v2.12 has been fixed. = V2.58 - 12.03.2018 = * Bugfix : Bug with incorrect buttons for Facebook displaying has been fixed. = V2.57 - 09.03.2018 = * NEW : Ability to change buttons align has been added. * NEW : Ability to change Facebook App ID has been added. = V2.56 - 24.01.2018 = * Bugfix : Compatibility with Multilanguage plugin by BestWebSoft has been fixed. * Update : The Czech language file has been updated. = V2.55 - 20.07.2017 = * NEW : Ability to choose buttons size has been added. * Update : Default button appearance has been updated. = V2.54 - 06.04.2017 = * NEW : Czech language file is added. * Bugfix : Bug with incorrect My Page buttons for Facebook link was fixed. = V2.53 - 31.01.2017 = * Update : The plugin settings page has been updated. = V2.52 - 14.11.2016 = * Update : Compatibility with Pagination plugin was added. * Pro : Tree of site pages was updated. = V2.51 - 03.10.2016 = * NEW : Spain language file is added. = V2.50 - 08.08.2016 = * Update : All functionality for wordpress 4.6 was updated. = V2.49 - 06.07.2016 = * Update : Images size for meta property 'og:image' has been changed. = V2.48 - 06.05.2016 = * NEW : Ability to add custom styles. * Update : All functionality for wordpress 4.5.1 was updated. = V2.47 - 04.02.2016 = * Bugfix : The conflict in the RSS feed was fixed. * Update : All functionality for wordpress 4.4.2 was updated. = V2.46 - 30.11.2015 = * Bugfix : The bug with plugin menu duplicating was fixed. = V2.45 - 05.11.2015 = * NEW : Hungarian language file is added. = V2.44 - 21.10.2015 = * NEW : We added 'Show Faces' option. * NEW : We added 'Button layout' option. * NEW : We added 'Layout width' option. * NEW : We added 'Like button action' option. * NEW : We added 'Color scheme' option. * Update : Textdomain was changed. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.3.1. = V2.43 - 26.08.2015 = * NEW : Option to display the button in excerpt. = V2.42 - 24.08.2015 = * Update : We added buttons displaying for the excerpt. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.3. = V2.41 - 16.07.2015 = * Update : Ability to use the current site language for buttons for Facebook (Using Multilanguage by BestWebSoft). * Bugfix : We fixed the 'share' button displaying bug (when the shortcode is used). = V2.40 - 15.06.2015 = * NEW : Ability to restore settings to defaults. = V2.39 - 18.05.2015 = * Update : We updated option titles on the Settings page for the convenience of users. * Update : Scripts were placed into a separate js file. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.2.2. = V2.38 - 23.04.2015 = * Update : Button styles are updated. * NEW : The Finnish language file is added to the plugin. = V2.37 - 31.03.2015 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.1.1. * Update : BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.36 - 05.01.2015 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.1. = V2.35 - 13.11.2014 = * Bugfix : Plugin optimization is done. * Update : BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.34 - 13.08.2014 = * Bugfix : Security Exploit was fixed. = V2.33 - 06.08.2014 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.0-beta2. * Bugfix : Problem with custom images after updating plugin was fixed. = V2.32 - 19.06.2014 = * Bugfix : Problem with showing Like button was fixed. = V2.31 - 11.06.2014 = * NEW : Share button was added. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.9.1. * Bugfix : Problem with switching user was fixed. = V2.30 - 14.04.2014 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.2. = V2.29 - 03.03.2014 = * Bugfix : Plugin optimization is done. * Update : Plugin tabs is added. = V2.28 - 13.02.2014 = * NEW : Html5 version of Like button is added. * Update : Screenshots are updated. * Update : BWS plugins section is updated. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.1. * Bugfix : Problem with blinking of Like button is fixed. * Bugfix : Problem with getting wrong thumbnails when putting Like is fixed. * Bugfix : Problem with language of Like button when using shortcode is fixed. = V2.27 - 23.12.2013 = * NEW : The French language file is added to the plugin. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8. * Update : BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.26 - 28.11.2013 = * NEW : We added posibility to add images with png extension as custom image for My Page button. * Update : New default image for the My Page button. * Update : The Indonesian language file is added to the plugin. * Update : We updated our screenshots. = V2.25 - 06.11.2013 = * Bugfix : Problem with styles is fixed. = V2.24 - 31.10.2013 = * NEW : Add checking installed wordpress version. * Update : Activation of radio button or checkbox by clicking on its label. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7.1. * Bugfix : Problem with undefined variable post_ID for multisite fixed. = V2.23 - 02.10.2013 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.6.1. * Update : The Ukrainian language file is added to the plugin. = V2.22 - 04.09.2013 = * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.6. * Update : Function for displaying BWS plugins section placed in a separate file and has own language files. = V2.21 - 18.07.2013 = * NEW : Added an ability to view and send system information by mail. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5.2. = V2.20 - 27.05.2013 = * Bugfix : The error related to creation the path to the buttons for Facebook image is fixed. * Update : BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.19 - 17.04.2013 = * NEW : The English language is updated in the plugin. = V2.18 - 22.03.2013 = * Bugfix : The bug of displaying icons in the admin menu is fixed. = V2.17 - 04.03.2013 = * NEW : The Ukrainian language file is added to the plugin. = V2.16 - 01.03.2013 = * Update : We updated CSS file. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5.1. = V2.15 - 20.12.2012 = * NEW : The Persian and Serbian language files are added to the plugin. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5. = V2.14 - 24.07.2012 = * NEW : The Arabic language file is added to the plugin. * Bugfix : Cross Site Request Forgery bug is fixed. = V2.13 - 10.07.2012 = * NEW : The Hebrew language file is added to the plugin. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.4.1. = V2.12 - 29.06.2012 = * Bugfix : The bug with saved 'sortcode option is fixed. = V2.11 - 27.06.2012 = * NEW : A possibility to change language for Like button. * Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.4. = V2.10 - 04.04.2012 = * NEW : A possibility to turn off the display of the buttons. * NEW : The Turkish language file is added to the plugin. * Bugfix : The bug with upload custom image for button is fixed. = V2.09 - 12.03.2012 = * Changed : BWS plugins section. = V2.08 - 24.02.2012 = * NEW : The Spanish language file is added to the plugin. * Change : Code that is used to connect styles and scripts is added to the plugin for correct SSL verification. = V2.07 - 02.01.2012 = * Changed : BWS plugins section. = V2.06 - 27.12.2011 = * NEW : Language files are added to the plugin. * NEW : Style for BestWebSoft Like & Share block is added. = V2.05 - 23.08.2011 = * Bugfix : Redirect to profile page bug is fixed. = V2.04 - 22.08.2011 = * Bugfix : BWS Plugin's menu section was fixed and right now it is consisted of 3 parts: activated, installed and recommended plugins. * Bugfix : The bug of positioning in admin menu is fixed. * Changed : BestWebSoft Like & Share plugin functionality was changed in connection with the change of Facebook API. = V2.03 - 14.07.2011 = * Changed : BWS Plugin's menu sections was fixed and right now it is consisted of 2 parts: installed and recommended plugins. * Bugfix : Displaying of the icons is fixed. = V2.02 = * The bug with the link to the settings page is fixed in this version. = V2.01 = * Usability at the settings page of the plugin was improved. = V1 = * Ability to install BestWebSoft Like & Share icon with a link to the account page, including settings adjustment functionality via WordPress admin panel. == Upgrade Notice == = V2.64 = * Usability improved. = V2.63 = * The compatibility with new WordPress version updated. = V2.62 = * New features added. * The compatibility with new WordPress version updated. = V2.61 = * Functionality expanded. = V2.60 = * Bugs fixed. * Usability improved. = V2.59 = * Bugs fixed. = V2.58 = * Bugs fixed. = V2.57 = * Functionality expanded. = V2.56 = * Bugs fixed. * Languages updated. = V2.55 = * Functionality expanded. * Appearance improved. = V2.54 = * Languages updated. = V2.53 = * Usability improved. = V2.52 = * Functionality improved. = V2.51 = * New languages added = V2.50 = * The compatibility with new WordPress version updated. = V2.49 = Images size for meta property 'og:image' has been changed. = V2.48 = Ability to add custom styles. All functionality for wordpress 4.5.1 was updated. = V2.47 = The conflict in the RSS feed was fixed. All functionality for wordpress 4.4.2 was updated. = V2.46 = The bug with plugin menu duplicating was fixed. = V2.45 = Hungarian language file is added. = V2.44 = We added 'Show Faces' option. We added 'Button layout' option. We added 'Layout width' option. We added 'Like button action' option. We added 'Color scheme' option. Textdomain was changed. We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.3.1. = V2.43 = Option to display the button in excerpt. = V2.42 = We added buttons displaying for the excerpt. We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.3. = V2.41 = Ability to use the current site language for buttons for Facebook (Using Multilanguage by BestWebSoft). We fixed the 'share' button displaying bug (when the shortcode is used). = V2.40 = Ability to restore settings to defaults. = V2.39 = We updated option titles on the Settings page for the convenience of users. Scripts were placed into a separate js file. We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.2.2. = V2.38 = Button styles are updated. The Finnish language file is added to the plugin. = V2.37 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.1.1. BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.36 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.1. = V2.35 = Plugin optimization is done. BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.34 = Security Exploit was fixed. = V2.33 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.0-beta2. Problem with custom images after updating plugin was fixed. = V2.32 = Problem with showing Like button was fixed. = V2.31 = Share button was added. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.9.1. Problem with switching user was fixed. = V2.30 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.2. = V2.29 = Plugin optimization is done. Plugin tabs is added. = V2.28 = Html5 version of Like button is added. Screenshots are updated. BWS plugins section is updated. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.1. Problem with blink of Like button is fixed. Problem with wrong thumbnails when putting Like is fixed. Problem with language of Like button when using shortcode is fixed. = V2.27 = The French language file is added to the plugin. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8. BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.26 = We added posibility to add images with png extension as custom image for My Page button. New default image for the My Page button. The Indonesian language file is added to the plugin. We updated our screenshots. = V2.25 = Problem with styles is fixed. = V2.24 = Add checking installed wordpress version. Activation of radio button or checkbox by clicking on its label. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7.1. Problem with undefined variable post_ID for multisite fixed. = V2.23 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.6.1. The Ukrainian language file is added to the plugin. = V2.22 = We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.6. Function for displaying BWS plugins section placed in a separate file and has own language files. = V2.21 = Added an ability to view and send system information by mail. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5.2. = V2.20 = The error related to creation the path to the buttons for Facebook image is fixed. BWS plugins section is updated. = V2.19 = The English language is updated in the plugin. = V2.18 = The bug of displaying icons in the admin menu was fixed. = V2.17 = The Ukrainian language file is added to the plugin. = V2.16 = We updated CSS file. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5.1. = V2.15 = Persian and Serbian language files are added to the plugin. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5. = V2.14 = The Arabic language file is added to the plugin. Cross Site Request Forgery bug was fixed. = V2.13 = The Hebrew language file is added to the plugin. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.4.1. = V2.12 = The bug with saved 'sortcode' option is fixed. = V2.11 = Added a possibility to change language for Like button. We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.4. = V2.10 = Added a possibility to turn off the display of the buttons. The Turkish language file is added to the plugin. The bug with upload custom image for button is fixed. = V2.09 = BWS plugins section has been changed. = V2.08 = The Spanish language file is added to the plugin. Code that is used to connect styles and scripts is added to the plugin for correct SSL verification. = V2.07 = BWS plugin's section was changes. = V2.06 = Language files are added to the plugin. Style for BestWebSoft Like & Share block was added. = V2.05 = Redirect to profile page bug is fixed. = V2.04 = BWS Panel sections was fixed and right now it is consisted of 3 parts: activated, installed and recommended plugins. The bug of positioning in admin menu is fixed. BestWebSoft Like & Share plugin functionality was changed in connection with the change of Facebook API. = V2.03 = BWS Panel sections was fixed and right now it is consisted of 2 parts: installed and recommended plugins. Icons displaying is fixed. = V2.02 = The bug of adjustment the link to the page is fixed in this version. Please upgrade the plugin immediately. Thank you = V2.01 = Usability at the settings page of the plugin was improved. = V1 = Ability to install BestWebSoft Like & Share icon with a link to the account page is created, including settings adjustment functionality via WordPress admin panel.